Useful documents

For reporting sheets, curriculum packs and other useful information regarding the accreditation process, please follow this link to the SAM website.

Accreditation process

Full details of the FAMUS accreditation process can be found on the Society for Acute Medicine website here. We have recently moved to a modular accreditation process to allow training to be tailored to an individual’s learning needs. A summary outline of the training process is shown below:

How to become a supervisor

A Supervisor is required to have complete understanding of the module(s) for which they supervise, and be registered on the SAM database. They may be any grade clinician who can demonstrate both the underlying knowledge and teaching experience within the relevant module(s). As a guide, FAMUS accreditation for at least a year with regular ongoing experience and some teaching exposure would often suffice to become a FAMUS supervisor.

Supervisors must be registered on the FAMUS database, which will require them to submit an application form to the administrator and await approval by the committee. For full details of how to apply including the application form see the Society for Acute Medicine website here.

Current list of supervisors

An up to date list of Supervisors is available via the Society for Acute Medicine website (here), who administer the Supervisor application process. Details of how to apply to become a Supervisor are available from the same page.


You can view all of our current courses here.

    Make an enquiry online using this form and one of our team will be in touch. By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by our team.

    Have any questions?

    If you have any FAMUS queries not covered by the following pages, please check out or FAQ section. If this still doesn't answer your queries, please contact FAMUS@acutemedicine.org.uk

      Make an enquiry online using this form and one of our team will be in touch. By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by our team.