DVT/Vascular Pathology


    Some of the images in this pathology section would not be found in the DVT/peripheral vascular module, since we do not specifically cover imaging the aorta or IVC. However, you may well come across them during your training or accredited scans and we feel it is important to highlight some of the pathology you may see.

    Abdominal aortic aneurysm

    The video below shows the typical appearance of a AAA, which may often be found incidentally as part of an abdominal ultrasound. It should be a mandatory part of the assessment of the unwell patient with abdominal pain, or the shocked elderly patient of unclear aetiology. Note the lumen size remains relatively small compared to the overall size of the aneurysm.

    Abdominal aortic aneurysm – leaking

    This video looks very similar the stable aortic aneurysm, except on close inspection there is some evidence of fluid outside the aneurysm sac (extravasated blood). Seeing the above appearances should (and did) mandate urgent vascular discussion while arranging CT aortography to fully characterise the underlying anatomy.

    DVT – common femoral vein

    A video showing typical appearances of a thrombus within the common femoral vein. See the Rule-in DVT theory pages for videos showing normal appearances (the ‘Mickey Mouse sign’) and compression of the common femoral vein.

    DVT – femoral vein

    Normal and abnormal (DVT) appearances of the femoral vein

    DVT – popliteal vein

    Video containing both normal appearances of the popliteal vein, and then a popliteal vein DVT

    DVT – proximal

    Video with a little more explanation of appearances within the common femoral and femoral veins, using clips already seen above. It is worth remembering that not all thrombus is echobright and you may simply see a lack of compressibility indicating thrombus within the vessel.

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        Make an enquiry online using this form and one of our team will be in touch. By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by our team.